Feb 2018 - What Exercise Works?
Over the post Xmas and NY period –there is always a multitude of articles, blogs and adverts on exercise, getting fit and what everyone should be doing.
By the end of Feb, the gyms have calmed down again, the parks are a bit emptier and I thought it might be a good time to review some of the evidence as to what works and maybe more importantly what doesn’t!
The Good News:
- The oft-mentioned idea that you can boost your fitness with household chores is well supported. Walking to work, hoovering, shopping, cleaning, - do these activities for 150 minutes a week and according to one large study you’ll reduce your risk of early death by 28%
- Weekend Warriors - If you cram all your exercise into the weekend research has shown this to be more or less as beneficial as spreading it throughout the week.
- Time-Strapped - High-Intensity Exercise has been shown to work: 4 minutes of very high intensity exercise 4 times a week - 20 secs of full intensity exercise followed by 10 second rests. It’s not for everyone but some high-intensity exercise always a good idea in any keep-fit programme.
- Even a Single Episode of Exercise can Help: Recent research has shown that even a single episode of exercise, can give a clinically useful form of protective pre-conditioning to the cardiac system. 1 to 3 episodes of exercise per week will provide strong cardioprotection.
- Use of Stretching Before and After Exercise: More good news for the time strapped – not really supported by the evidence as reducing stiffness or preventing injury.
The Bad News:
- The idea that you can burn more fat in a longer, slower run than a shorter, more strenuous run is not true so you might just need to up the pace a bit.
References: New Scientist 10/01/18; JAMA Cardiology Feb 2018; The Week 20/01/18
For further information on any of these tips or if you would like us to review or advise on your exercise programme, please get in touch.
"The exercises you worked out for me were wonderful. They had an immediate effect so that by the end of the following week I actually had a pain-free day. Seeing you was really the turning point and I am extremely grateful."
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